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MBS Market Leaders

Tradeweb is the largest and most efficient electronic trading platform for the To-Be-Announced (TBA) MBS market with daily executed volumes of $170 billion (FY23). We are the first venue to offer “Round Robin” functionality which enables clients to seamlessly net outstanding TBA-MBS positions, significantly reducing their settlement risk.

Additionally, our Specified Pool trading platform, SP Marketplace, delivers a flexible, streamlined way to buy and sell MBS CUSIPs and trade consolidated pool inventory from some of the top liquidity providers on the street. In September 2020, we expanded the platform to enable mortgage originators to trade alongside institutional investors in the secondary market, replacing a manually-intensive legacy process.

Tradeweb and FTSE Russell Extend Benchmark Closing Prices to U.S. Treasury Markets

In partnership with Freddie Mac, we developed an exchange facility for the MBS Single Security.  Through this collaboration, market participants are able to easily exchange Freddie Mac PCs for the  single security on Tradeweb. 

Key Features:
  • The world’s leading electronic trading platform for TBA-MBS
  • Unique Round Robin functionality that reduces trade fails
  • Specified Pool BWIC/OWIC origination and secondary list trading functionality, along with daily dealer inventory
  • The only Direct-to-Freddie exchange path available


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