Expand your view with pre- and post-trade data
Get access to pre-and-post trade intelligence that informs trade execution strategies and enhances business performance.
- Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) helps you make more informed trading decisions and achieve best execution with precise, real-time trading composites and detailed reporting for Global Government Bonds, Interest Rate Swaps, Credit Bonds, Emerging Markets, SSAs and Covered Bonds, as well as European ETFs and US Municipal Bonds. Learn more
- Directional Liquidity Scores that rank over 46K instruments from 1 to 10 on both the bid and ask side, independently, enhancing transparency across European Credit and Emerging Markets.
- RFQ Instrument Data (EU ILB & US TIPS Bonds) reflects the aggregate volumes and trade counts in inflation linked bonds for EU and US executed on Tradeweb RFQ by day.
- RFQ Inquiry Data (EU Credit & US Credit) captures the aggregate daily volumes for the most active Credit bond instruments inquired on Tradeweb.