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Showing 981 - 990 of 1903 entries
European Credit Update - July 2013

European credit default swap indices rallied during the first three weeks of July, with the iTraxx Europe index falling to 97.9 on 22 July – the first time mid-spreads have been below 100 since 28 May.

European Credit Update - October 2013

All eyes were on the U.S. in October, mainly thanks to the 16-day government shutdown which saw many key services come to a halt, after the White House and Congressional Republicans failed to reach a deal over stop-gap budget measures needed to keep the government running.

European Credit Update - March 2014

The Ukraine crisis entered a new phase on March 18, when Crimea joined the Russian Federation following a referendum conducted in the region. Three days later, Ukraine signed an association agreement with the European Union forging closer economic ties, while sanctions against Russia started to escalate.

Let's hear it for GIRLS! Congratulations to our stars

We’re delighted to share that Anna Kessler, Vice President in our U.S. Rates team and Allison Nave, Vice President at Dealerweb, were named Rising Stars at last night’s Markets Media Women in Finance gala. They were each recognized as part of the next generation of professionals who provide exceptional leadership across the industry. We are hugely encouraged that the positive impact they have each day at Tradeweb, both on behalf of our customers and wider team, are evident externally.

Government Bond Update - November 2018

Yields on 10-year government bonds continued to decline in November, with only those for Greek debt bucking the trend. Canada’s 10-year government bond yield saw the biggest shift, closing 22.5 basis points lower at 2.27%.

2018 Year in Review

The growing quantity of data that the street could see on screens defined fixed income markets in 2018. Interest rates – and yields - flickered up, prices scuttled down, international and local politics pushed spreads out, and for the first time, electronic quotes lit up in existing asset classes and new markets.

Tradeweb Exchange-Traded Funds Update – September 2019

Trading activity on the Tradeweb European-listed ETF marketplace surpassed EUR 35.5 billion in September, just EUR 770 million shy of August’s record breaking performance. The proportion of transactions executed via Tradeweb’s Automated Intelligent Execution Tool (AiEX) climbed to 75%.

Global investors’ access to China bonds just got more streamlined

When it comes to the Chinese bond market, no one understands global investors’ needs better than Tradeweb. We’ve had the unique privilege to be involved in the design, development and implementation of the Bond Connect initiative from the very start, thanks to our long-term expertise in global fixed income markets, extensive client network and advanced technology offering. Being the first trading link to Bond Connect enabled us to amass invaluable experience in further streamlining buy-side traders’ access to the China Interbank Bond Market (CIBM).

Tradeweb Exchange-Traded Funds Update – April 2020

The following data is derived from trading activity on the Tradeweb Markets institutional European- and U.S.-listed ETF platforms.

Building Better Pricing – How AI is Improving Liquidity in Corporate Credit Markets

How many traders, desk analysts and quants does it take to price a corporate bond? If you were to answer that question even a few months ago, the number could be as high as a half-dozen. Parties on both sides of the trade would be tasked with checking whether the bond traded recently, analyzing current credit and business conditions, digging into individual bond attributes and taking the pulse of the marketplace to see if the other side of the trade agrees with the price. For a complex trade involving a large portfolio of corporate credits, the process could have taken days.

Showing 981 - 990 of 1903 entries