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Showing 961 - 970 of 1903 entries
European Credit Update

It was an eventful month in Europe as continuing political uncertainty in Italy and the unpopular terms of a bailout deal for Cyprus caused renewed turmoil in European bond markets.

CFTC Weighs in on 'Futurization', Sets Valentine's Day Deadline for SEF Rules

Speaking at the Tabb Forum conference in New York last week, CFTC Commissioner Scott D, O’Malia addressed two topics that have been generating lots of buzz in the industry: the “futurization” of swaps and the long-awaited final rules for SEFs.

Swap Clearing Deadline Anticlimactic

The Category II swap clearing deadline came and went Monday. But contrary to expectations, swap futures did not see a jump in volume.

Made Available to Trade: CFTC Certifies Certain Interest Rate Swaps

The era of mandatory trading of interest rate swaps on swap execution facilities (SEFs) is imminent.

CFTC Weekly Swaps Report: Over $215 Trillion in Interest Rate Swap Volume Cleared From March 10-14

As part of its efforts to encourage transparency in the swaps market, the CFTC developed a Weekly Swaps Report, which provides a detailed view of trading activity in the swaps market.

Building Blocks for a Post-Reg NMS World

Many buy-side traders would like more opportunities to trade in blocks. But most current solutions have inherent limits in how much block trading they can facilitate.

U.S. SEF Rules are Final... Now What?

The final rules for swap execution facilities (SEFs) were entered into the Federal Register on June 4, 2013 and became effective on August 5.

Tradeweb Names Top 10 Derivatives Twitter Accounts

Describing the revolution of breaking news doesn’t even require 140 characters; it can be summed up in just one word – Twitter.

ESMA Answers All Your Questions

The European Securities and Markets Authority has created a 'living Q&A' document where it responds to industry questions about the unfolding implementation of derivatives reform in Europe.

Dodd-Frank... Three Years Later

Third and long for derivatives reform? This past Sunday, Dodd-Frank turned three years old, but lawmakers are still reporting more missed deadlines than finalized rules. According to DavisPolk’s three-year anniversary progress report, just 38% of the deadlines set in the Dodd-Frank Act have been met.

Showing 961 - 970 of 1903 entries