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Exchange-Traded Funds Quarterly Update - Q4 2014

The following data is derived from trading activity on the Tradeweb European-listed ETF platform from 1 April to 30 June 2014.

The SEF Landscape: Understanding the Changing Marketplace

Greenwich Associates released a new research report on the U.S. derivatives trading marketplace: The SEF Landscape: Beyond the Numbers.

A Brief History of SEFs - and a Few Predictions

The rise of SEF trading over the past 12-plus months has made for a crazy year. In fact, there hasn’t been a year quite like it in the past 20 years of OTC derivatives. Here’s a look at the major milestones – and a few predictions for the next 12 months.

SEF Volumes Will Rise, But Long-Term Pessimism Persists

SEFs went live last October, and swaps trading hasn’t been the same since. After months of speculation and anxiety, the initial round of Made-Available-to-Trade (MAT) determinations came into effect in February, and for certain swap contracts, SEF trading stopped being an option and became a legal obligation.

Derivatives Plagued by Manual Processing - the Case for Automation

Seventy-nine percent of capital markets firms report that they still rely heavily on spreadsheets and manual processes when processing derivatives, and 84% cite the need to create workarounds to support derivatives in their current middle- and back-office operations.

Market Snapshot: US, UK, German and Japanese Bond Yields Continue to Rise

Benchmark bond yields increased today in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, according to Tradeweb data.

European Credit Update - May 2016

The possibility of a further interest rate hike in the U.S. and Britain’s potential exit from the European Union dominated headlines in May.

What Do Obamacare and Dodd-Frank Have in Common? Technology Dysfunction

In their haste to pass Dodd-Frank, lawmakers failed to consider the back-end infrastructure needed to support compliance.

SEFCON IV Conference: Monday, November 18

The fourth annual Wholesale Markets Brokers' Association (WMBA Americas) conference on Swap Execution Facilities (SEFs), SEFCON IV, will be held this upcoming Monday, November 18, 2013 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York.

SIFMA Strongly Disagrees with CFTC's Final SEF Rules

Shortly after the CFTC approved Thursday [5/16] the final rules governing swap execution facilities, SIFMA released a statement arguing that the new rules 'will negatively impact investors and hinder the ability of American businesses to manage risk.'

Showing 951 - 960 of 1903 entries