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Showing 941 - 950 of 1903 entries
MiFID II and Swaps Transparency: What You Need to Know

The swaps transparency changes driven by MiFID II are meant to establish a level playing field between trading venues so that price discovery of a particular financial instrument is not impaired by fragmentation on liquidity.

Institutional Banks Struggle with Cross-Jurisdictional Compliance and Entity Data

New research claims financial institutions must achieve a global view of clients to ensure cross-border compliance

European Credit Update - September 2015

The Federal Open Market Committee voted to keep its record low benchmark interest rate unchanged on September 17, citing “recent global economic and financial developments”.

Trading Derivatives in Asia: If You Go Down to the Woods Today

The Asian derivatives markets increasingly are the destination of choice for firms across the derivatives spectrum. But bear traps remain for the unwary.

European Credit Update - June 2015

European Credit Update - June 2015Greece dominated the headlines for another month, particularly nearer the expiry of the country’s bailout program on June 30.

Chairman Massad Preps for 5-Year Anniversary of Dodd-Frank with Series of Updates on CFTC Progress

CFTC Chairman Timothy Massad has been talking anniversaries in a series of recent speeches.

Japan Government Bond Update - March 2015

According to data released by the Cabinet Office on March 9, the Japanese economy grew an annualised 1.5% in the last quarter of 2014, well below a preliminary reading of 2.2%.

Trade Surveillance in Swaps Trading

The advent of Swap Execution Facilities and Swap Data Repositories means that it is now possible to implement effective trade surveillance in the OTC swaps market.

The CAT Conundrum: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Consolidate Audit Trail is one of those unique initiatives that the capital markets community agrees is important.

SEF Growing Pains

US swap execution facilities remain a work in progress more than a year after their introduction, as regulators and industry continue to wrestle with the details of derivatives reform. Here's an overview of the state of the SEF competitive landscape.

Showing 941 - 950 of 1903 entries