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Showing 931 - 940 of 1903 entries
Swaps End-Users Still Reluctant to Trade on SEFs

Notional volume traded in IRD has been on the rise since late 2015 within the US, but off-SEF trading still represents a majority of this volume, and the percentage captured by Swap Execution Facilities has been dropping consistently for months.

Exchanges Should Disrupt Swap Portfolio Compression Using Single-Sided Swap Futures

With the mandated clearing of OTC swaps, even clearing houses are getting into portfolio compression of OTC interest rate swaps. But futures exchanges are missing out on a big opportunity.

European Asset Managers Are Using MiFID II as a Weapon in the Battle for Global Asset Flows

MiFID II will require European asset managers to construct monetary research budgets at the fund level.

Examining 'Phantom Liquidity' and the Cost of HFT Regulation

Some market participants have long argued that the liquidity provided by HFT traders is illusory and difficult to access.

Exchange-Traded Funds Update - January 2016

The following data is derived from trading activity on the Tradeweb European-listed ETF platform.

December 2015 Swaps Volume in 10 Charts

USD Interest Rate Swaps volume traded on-SEF in December 2015 was just slightly higher than October and November volumes.

Tradeweb is once again named Best ETF Trading Platform in the ETF Risk European Rankings

For the second year running, Tradeweb has won the “Best ETF Trading Platform for Institutional Investors” category in the ETF Risk European Rankings.

Exchange-Traded Funds Update - November 2015

The following data is derived from trading activity on the Tradeweb European-listed ETF platform.

MiFID II: the Catalyst for a More Strategic Approach to Trade Reporting

As new requirements proliferate, established in-house trade reporting solutions often lack the automation and governance necessary to ensure compliance long term.

European Credit Update - October 2015

Following a meeting of its Governing Council on October 22, the European Central Bank announced that it would “re-examine the degree of monetary policy accommodation” at its next gathering in December.

Showing 931 - 940 of 1903 entries