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Showing 791 - 800 of 1903 entries
TABB Group to Host Fixed Income Forum: January 29

On January 29, TABB Group will host the Fixed Income 2015: Perfect Storm Navigating the Confluence conference.

2014: Our Top Observations in the Global Fixed Income Markets

Welcome to our third annual review of the top themes in the global fixed income markets. 2014 saw a wide range of economic, political and regulatory events, from the divergence in central bank policies to the continued growth of the exchange-traded funds industry.

Meet the New Dodd-Frank. Same as the Old Dodd-Frank

When Congress killed the Swaps Push-Out Rule in December, it appeared as if Dodd-Frank were ready to crumble under conservative attack. In reality, not so much.

Clearing in Europe for Interest Rate Swaps is Coming

ESMA has now issued its final draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) that define the scope of interest rate swaps that must be cleared under European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR).

QCCP Status - The Race, the Chase, and the Wait

Six months after the European Commission extended the transitional period, the deadline is looming again for a Central Counterparty to be classed as a QCCP (Qualifying CCP), which means it is licensed to operate as a CCP in European Union.

SEFs Face a New Challenge - Lee Olesky

The landscape for derivatives trading on swap execution facilities has changed drastically since these newly regulated platforms first launched in October of 2013.

SEFCON V Conference: Analyzing SEFs and the Derivatives Trading Industry

If you needed any further evidence of the long and winding road that derivatives reform has taken since the days when the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was beginning to take root, look no further than SEFCON.

Unseen Danger: What Might Go Wrong for CCPs?

In response to the events of 2007-2008, G20 leaders determined at their 2009 Pittsburgh Summit that one of the solutions to the over-the-counter (OTC) contract problem was to make these instruments more transparent to the marketplace by having the “standardised” variants centrally cleared.

The Tradeweb #TopTen Twitter Feeds in Derivatives, Trading & Technology

For those of us tracking breaking news across the global financial marketplace, one word has dominated recent discussions on gathering and analyzing event-driven information: Twitter.

Tradeweb voted Best Fixed Income Trading Platform for the fourth year running

Tradeweb once again picked up the trophy for Best Fixed Income Trading Platform at the Financial News 2014 Awards for Excellence in Trading & Technology, Europe.

Showing 791 - 800 of 1903 entries