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Showing 591 - 600 of 1903 entries
Data Points: Government Bond Update - February 2015

Following lengthy negotiations between Greece’s new government and eurozone finance ministers, a four-month extension of the country’s bailout program was agreed on February 20.

Our Top Observations for the Global Fixed Income and Derivatives Markets in 2014

Tradeweb recently issued the third annual Year-End Data Points, which discusses our Top Observations in the Global Fixed Income Markets for 2014.

European Credit Update - December 2014

Plunging oil prices and international sanctions continued to take their toll on Russia’s economy in December.

Assessing Regulation, Technology & Risk: Three Steps to Ensuring a Happy New Year

Despite record US equity prices and an improving economy, the underlying theme of 2014 was one of disappointment – in the levels of liquidity in most markets, in the spreads that market-makers were seeing, in the rising cost of being a market-maker, and in the ability of regulators worldwide to get their acts together.

Tradeweb is voted Best ETF Trading Platform in ETF Risk's European Rankings 2014

Tradeweb scooped the Best ETF Trading Platform for Institutional Investors category in this year’s ETF Risk European rankings.

SEFCON V: CFTC Chairman Massad Discusses Regulations; Extends Package Relief

In his speech at the SEFCON V Conference, CFTC Chairman Timothy Massad outlined the current and future state of affairs regarding swaps trading on regulated platforms.

Swap Standardization: The Rise of MAC?

Earlier in October, I predicted that, just as the CDS market moved to standardized contracts a few years ago, the day would come when the interest rate market would move to a standardized world, namely in the form of Market Agreed Coupon contracts, or MAC.

Tradeweb Launches U.S. Corporate Bond Marketplace

We launched the Tradeweb U.S. Corporate Bond Marketplace on Wednesday, the first phase of a total credit solution for trading corporate bonds efficiently.

CFTC Said to be Considering Reduction in 'Minimum of Five' for SEF Rules

Just weeks before swaps market participants are anticipating long-delayed SEF rules for swaps trading, news has emerged that regulators at the CFTC are considering modifying one of the cornerstones of the rules: the requirement that investors solicit a minimum of five quotes in order to transact.

USD MAC Swaps: How Large Is the Market?

In my recent blog, USD MAC Swaps: A Closer Look, I noted that once the September roll into the December contract was complete, the cumulative volume of this would provide an interesting in-sight into how large the USD MAC Swap market really is. In this article, I will look to establish this.

Showing 591 - 600 of 1903 entries