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Showing 581 - 590 of 1903 entries
Market Snapshot: U.S. 10 Year Yield Falls Again

Yields on 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds fell again today, according to data from Tradeweb.

European Credit Update - July 2015

Despite a decisive victory for the “No” camp in the July 5 referendum, Greece signed a last-minute deal with its creditors on July 13 to receive an €86 billion bailout package in return for further economic reforms. Greek banks re-opened a week later, although capital controls remained in place.

Data Points: Government Bond Update - July 2015

According to data published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on July 2, total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 223,000 in June, while the jobless rate declined to 5.3%.

Market snapshot: Government bond sell-off continues

The government bond sell-off continued today, with the bid-yield on the 10-year Bund climbing back above 1% this morning for the first time since September 2014.

Cleared for Launch: A New Era for OTC Derivatives

Buy-side users of OTC derivatives face many uncertainties as they prepare for mandatory central clearing in Europe, and they are turning to their dealers and clearing houses for help.

Data Points: Government Bond Update - April 2015

The U.S. economy added just 126,000 jobs in March, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on April 3.

Could Liquidity Itself Shape Fair and Efficient Market Structure?

There has long been a question of whether regulatory relief should set market structure to ameliorate market deficiencies or whether competitive forces are sufficient to lead to efficient and productive markets.

Compression List Trading on SEFs

Compression List Trading volumes have continued on their upward trend this year and in this article I will look into the what the data shows both in terms of volumes and also SEF market share.

How Reg ATS Destroyed Buy-Side Price Discovery and Block Liquidity

There’s plenty of demand for block liquidity. The problem is supply. Reg ATS, which was intended to broaden market transparency, instead eviscerated it, in the process leaving price discovery behind.

The Consolidated Audit Trail: Stitching Together the US Securities Markets

The complexity of our market structure and underlying technologies surpasses our current ability to monitor, analyze and reconstruct market events.

Showing 581 - 590 of 1903 entries