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Showing 441 - 450 of 1903 entries
Swap Futures: Innovation, or Avoidance?

Today, the CFTC is hosting a public roundtable to discuss the futurization of swaps. TABB Group was invited to participate.

Done Deal for MiFID II. What You Need to Know

Europe finally has agreed on the terms of MiFID II, extending its regulatory reach into fixed income, FX, OTC trading and commodity speculation. Here are seven details you need to know as implementation begins.

Top 10 OTC Derivatives Events of 2013: Regulatory Recap

From launching a platform for trading USD swaps, to completing production testing with credit hubs for pre-trade clearing certainty, to celebrating the clearing of an inaugural trade under the new regulations, 2013 continued the momentum in the changing OTC swaps markets.

CFTC Commissioner O'Malia Focuses on Swap Execution Facilities at 12th Technology Advisory Committee

The CFTC is training its sights on increasing buy-side participation on swap execution facilities (SEFs), according to remarks made Tuesday by CFTC Commissioner Scott O’Malia.

Derivatives in 2015 and Beyond - A Look into the Future with Kevin McPartland

Imagine you had the last five years of derivatives market reform on DVR. If you could fast-forward past the requests for public comment, rule delays and angst, would you have guessed that we’d be where we are today?

Buy Side Does the Math - Adds Quants to Bolster E-Trading

US buy-side equity trading desks are investing in automation and ramping up their quantitative skills to drive new efficiencies and enable execution capabilities on par with the sell side.

Portugal 10Y bond mid-yield closes below 5% for first time since August 9, 2010

The mid-yield of Portugal’s ten-year benchmark bond closed below 5% yesterday, reaching 4.932%.

CFTC Certifies Tradeweb TW SEF MAT Determination

The CFTC announced today that it has certified Tradeweb Markets’ Made Available to Trade (MAT) determination.

All Eyes on EMIR: Top Headlines of the Week

The last seconds of the clock are ticking down as we head into tomorrow’s European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) mandatory trade reporting deadline.

CFTC Announces Three-Month Delay on Mandatory SEF Trading for Packaged Trades

The CFTC has pushed-back the deadline for mandatory trading of packaged swaps on SEFs by three months to May 15, seeking to promote an “orderly transition to mandatory trading.”

Showing 441 - 450 of 1903 entries