Liquidity. Transparency. Efficiency.
Efficiently select bonds, confidently transact and actively manage fixed income portfolios using one of the most sophisticated platforms in the industry.
Tradeweb Direct supports the day-to-day needs of financial advisors giving you more time to focus on what matters most - deepening client relationships and attracting new business.

Key Features
- A best-in-class advisor platform with configurable compliance controls, optional white-labeling and easily integrated with front- and back-office systems
- 280K+ live executable markets
- 160K+ unique securities
- 1 in 5 municipal trades reported to MSRB are executed on Tradeweb Direct
- 1 in 7 corporate trades reported to TRACE happen on Tradeweb Direct

Products chevron_right
Municipal Bonds, Corporate Bonds, Hybrid/Capital Trust Preferreds, Certificates of Deposit (CDs), U.S. Agencies, U.S. Treasuries, Pass-Throughs, Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs), Asset-Backed Securities (ABS), Unit Invesment Trust (UITs) and Structured Products
Trade Lifecycle chevron_right
At-Trade Post-Trade Protocols
Live Market Click-to-Trade
Request for Quote (RFQ)
Trading Tools
Liaison Workstation
Portfolio Solutions Analytics & Reporting
Parameter-Based Live Market Search
Suitability Module
Market Check
Order Entry ValidationMarkup Disclosure Solutions
DOL Fiduciary Solutions
T+1 Trade Monitoring Compliance Data & Reporting Services chevron_right
IDC Evaluated Pricing
Diver Reports from Lumesis
DPC Data
Moody's Bond Reports
S&P Capital IQ Research Reports Integration chevron_right
Straight-Through Processing (STP)
FIX API Connectivity Regulation chevron_right
TRACE and MSRB Reporting
Regulated by SEC and FINRA Trading Hours chevron_right
8:00 am New York time open - 5:00 pm New York time close