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Regulatory Solutions

Creating Regulatory Solutions

Markets are demanding. Regulations change. Products evolve. That’s where we come in. 

Clients are looking for a more integrated, holistic approach to their business and are seeking ways to reduce operational risk and increase efficiency.

As an industry leading electronic trading platform that operates regulated markets globally, we understand the need for interoperability and work with other systems to provide an unsurpassed end-to-end solution. We don’t build distractions or unnecessary features, just more effective ways to trade.


SEC Treasury Clearing Mandate: What Market Participants Need to Know blog

Our U.S. Regulated Entities:

Tradeweb LLC Tradeweb Direct LLC Dealerweb LLC TW SEF LLC DW SEF LLC Institutional Cash Distributors, LLC.

SEC registered Broker-Dealer

Member of FINRA and MSRB

CFTC registered IB

Member of NFA

International Dealer Exemption (Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Saskatchewan)

Exempt Foreign Trading Venue (Switzerland)

Recognized by People’s Bank of China and the China Foreign Exchange Trading System as an operator of one of the access platforms which enable overseas investors to invest in mainland Chinese bonds/swaps via various connection schemes such as the Bond Connect, CIBM Direct RFQ and Swap Connect Bond.

SEC registered Broker-Dealer

Member of FINRA and MSRB

Registered ATS

International Dealer Exemption (Ontario & Quebec)

Recognized Body of the Dubai Financial Services Authority

SEC registered Broker-Dealer

Member of FINRA and MSRB

Registered ATS

CFTC registered IB

Member of NFA

Exempt Foreign Trading Venue (Switzerland)

ATS Order Exemption (Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia)

International Dealer Exemption (Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia)

Recognized Body of the Dubai Financial Services Authority

Recognised Market Operator by the Monetary Authority of Singapore

CFTC registered SEF

SEC registered SBSEF

Exempt Foreign Trading Venue (Switzerland)

SEC registered SBSEF

Exempt Trading Venue ( Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec)

Exempt Venue (Australia)

Recognized Foreign Trading Venue (Mexico)

Recognized Body of the Dubai Financial Services Authority

Remote Body recognition in the ADGM ( Remote Investment Exchange

CFTC registered SEF

Exempt Foreign Trading Venue (Switzerland)

Exempt Trading Venue (Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec)

SEC registered Broker-Dealer

Member of FINRA/SIPC

International Dealer Exemption (Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan , and Nova Scotia)

International Dealer Exemption (ASIC in Australia)

Institutional Cash Distributors Limited – Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

ICD Europa – Empresa de Investimento, S.A. – Member of CMVM



Our International Regulated Entities:

Tradeweb Europe Limited Tradeweb Europe Limited (Hong Kong Branch) Tradeweb Europe Limited (Singapore Branch) Tradeweb Japan K.K.

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as a MiFID Investment Firm with permissions to operate a:

Offshore electronic trading platform recognized by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) for the provision of Bond Connect

Australian Market Licence granted by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)

Recognized by People’s Bank of China and the China Foreign Exchange Trading System as an operator of one of the access platforms which enable overseas investors to invest in mainland Chinese bonds/swaps via various connection schemes such as the Bond Connect, CIBM Direct RFQ and Swap Connect Bond.

Remote Body recognition in the ADGM ( Remote Investment Exchange

Regulated by the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC)

  • As an Automated Trading System (ATS)

Regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)

  • As a Regulated Market Operator (RMO)

Regulated by the Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA) and granted a Propietary Trading System (PTS) operator license and a notified Electronic Trading Platform (ETP) operator for IRS intermediary business; also a Member of Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA)

Recognized by People’s Bank of China and the China Foreign Exchange Trading System as an operator of one of the access platforms which enable overseas investors to invest in mainland Chinese bonds/swaps via various connection schemes such as the Bond Connect, CIBM Direct RFQ and Swap Connect Bond.

Tradeweb EU BV Tradeweb Execution Services BV Tradeweb Execution Services Limited Tradeweb Australia Pty Ltd

Authorized and regulated by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) as a MiFID Investment Firm with permissions to operate:

Overseas Australian Market Licence granted by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)

Tradeweb EU BV Paris branch is supervised by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) to perform the activities above

Regulated by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to operate an Approved Publication Arrangement (APA)

Recognized by People’s Bank of China and the China Foreign Exchange Trading System as an operator of one of the access platforms which enable overseas investors to invest in mainland Chinese bonds/swaps via various connection schemes such as the Bond Connect, CIBM Direct RFQ and Swap Connect Bond.

Remote Body recognition in the ADGM ( Remote Investment Exchange

Authorized and regulated by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) as a MiFID Investment Firm with permissions to:

  • Execute orders on behalf of clients
  • Deal on own account
  • Reception and transmission of orders

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) with permissions to:

  • Deal in investments as principal (with matched principal limitation)
  • Deal in investments as agent

Regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) and holder of a Tier 1 Australian Market Licence

Regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) as a Recognised Market Operator (RMO)

Continues to hold QALM status under CFTC No Action Letter 15-29’