Transition from LIBOR to SONIA
As the move away from LIBOR to other risk-free reference rates picks up speed, Tradeweb is here to help with the transition. We draw on our extensive experience of regulatory reform from Dodd-Frank to MiFID II and beyond, to guide our clients through the uncertainty of market structure changes with ease.
Tradeweb SONIA Term Reference Rates
Tradeweb is pleased to announce the launch of SONIA Term Reference Rates. Our best in class SONIA OIS swap pricing is the basis for these values. Leveraging the same methodology we use for the end-of-day gilt reference prices, we are able to create term fixings using the 1m, 3m, 6m, and 12m SONIA swap curves on a daily basis.

Key Features
- By publishing a reference rate on term fixings we hope to enhance the information shared with the market, based on streaming liquidity
- Dealer-to-client pricing is effective in both volatile and stable markets, so you know you have a fixing indication whatever the conditions
- Tradeweb is the leading platform in the marketplace for electronic traded SONIA
View historic data via Insite, our web-based portal
The “SONIA” mark is used under licence from the Bank of England (the benchmark administrator of SONIA), and the use of such mark does not imply or express any approval or endorsement by the Bank of England. “Bank of England” and “SONIA” are registered trade marks of the Bank of England.