More Choice on a Single Platform
Tradeweb offers single-click direct access to the Canadian money markets. Through an exclusive distribution arrangement with CanDeal, the leading electronic marketplace for Canadian rates and money markets with prices from all of Canada's primary dealers, institutional investors can easily and efficiently trade the full range of short-term Canadian investment products on one platform.

Key Features
- Live dealer offerings and comparable executable rates on a single screen
- Hundreds of commingled money market offerings with a built-in search engine for quick filtering of all offerings
- Superior price discovery for CTB trading using a multi-dealer request-for-quote trading protocol
- Trade processing, including STP, and data reporting to attribute performance, demonstrate best execution and manage compliance

Liquidity Providers chevron_right11 providers
Products chevron_right Government of Canada Treasury Bills (CTBs), Commercial Paper, Crown Corporations, Provincial Notes, Bank Acceptances (BAs) and Bearer Deposit Notes (BDNs)
Trade Lifecycle chevron_right
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post-Trade Inventory
Request for Quote (RFQ)
Trade Types
Trade Tools
Limit Orders
Straight-Through-Processing (STP)
Liquidity Provider Performance Reports
Audit Trail/Compliance RecordsBest Execution Metrics
Consolidated Transaction History
FIX or XML Messages via an API
Trading Hours chevron_right
7:00 am New York - 5:00 pm New York (US/Canada)