A Global Leader in ETF RFQ Trading
Our marketplaces provide efficient access to competitive over-the-counter (OTC) prices in the global ETF and close end funds (CEF) markets. Get better pricing by putting multiple liquidity providers in competition, streamline your workflow and demonstrate best execution with robust electronic audit trails.

Key Features
- Trade all U.S.-listed ETFs and CEFs, European-listed ETFs/exchange-traded commodities (ETCs) and Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Tokyo listed ETFs
- Ability to centrally clear European ETFs in partnership with EuroCCP
- Access 33 liquidity providers globally
- Local market ETF teams providing real-time trade support
- 23 hour trading in U.S. ETFs

Products All U.S. listed ETFs
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post Trade Axes
National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO)
Dealer RankingsProtocols
Request for Quote (RFQ)
Trade Types
Risk (Block)
Net Asset Value (NAV)
Market-on-Close (MOC)
Automated Intelligent Trading (AiEX)Audit Trail/Compliance Record
Straight-Through-Processing (STP)
Execution Reports
Liquidity Provider Performance Reports
Best Execution Metrics
Global Trading Hours 9:00 am Tokyo time open 5:30 pm New York time close
Products All listed ETFs and ETCs across all major European asset classes
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post Trade Axes
Live Exchange Price
Historic Hit Rates
Streaming PricesProtocols
Request for Quote (RFQ)
Trade Types
Risk (Block)
Net Asset Value (NAV)
Automated Intelligent Trading (AiEX)
Market-on-Close (MOC)Audit Trail/Compliance Records
Execution Reports
Liquidity Provider Performance Reports
Best Execution Metrics
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) -
Europe 7:00 am London time open 6:00 pm London time close
Products Listed ETFs across major Asia markets
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post-Trade Live Exchange Price
Request for Quote (RFQ)
Trade Types
Risk (Block)
Net Asset Value (NAV)
Automated Intelligent Trading (AiEX)
Market-on-Close (MOC)Execution Reports
Liquidity Providers Performance Reports
Audit Trail/COmpliance Records
Best Execution Metrics
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA)
Asia 9:00 am Tokyo time open 6:00 pm Tokyo time close