How Tradeweb is Connecting You to the Emerging Markets
Our global multi-asset Emerging Markets platform supports trading strategies across fixed income cash and derivatives markets.
Explore our global multi-asset EM offering
- Emerging Markets IRS
- Emerging Markets Hard & Local Currency Bonds – trade local currency sovereigns, quasi-sovereigns and corporate bonds seamlessly
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Domestic Bonds & Sukuks ATS
- Emerging Markets Credit Default Swaps (CDS) – trade Index and Single Name Sovereign Corporate CDS bilaterally or cleared with connectivity to every major clearing house, middleware and vendor (ICE, LCH, SDRs)
- Asset Swaps – an efficient and unique workflow solution that allows institutional investors to easily execute contingent trades between swap and cash legs on a single user interface
- FX Swap – a new and unique hedging solution that links trading workflows in emerging markets local currency bonds and FX currency swaps
- China Access Channels:
- Bond Connect and CIBM Direct Link for Chinese Bonds – allowing global investors to trade into the China Interbank Bond Market (CIBM)
- Swap Connect for CNY Interest Rate Swaps – allowing global investors to trade and central counterparty (CCP) clear onshore CNY IRS
- Emerging Markets ETFs
- Emerging Markets Repo
As we continue to drive the evolution of electronic trading across our core emerging markets regions – Latin America (LATAM), Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa (CEEMEA) and Asia Pacific (APAC) – we’re developing and implementing new and enhanced technology to make trading global markets more efficient and transparent.
Solutions for the lifecycle of a trade
Today electronic trading is essential so we are making it easier to trade with a comprehensive set of pre-trade, execution and post-trade tools at your fingertips.
Our EM trading platform benefits include:
- Access to 20+ local currencies
- Liquidity from a growing network of 65+ liquidity providers
- Streamlined workflows
- Multi-asset and cross currency solution for emerging markets
- Liquidity Providers 25 total (currency dependent)
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post Trade Tradeweb Composite Price
Margin Optimization
List Trading
Program TradingVoice Processing
Asset Swap
Trade Types
Spot Starting
Forward Starting/Custom Dates
IMMStraight-Through-Processing (STP)
STP to Marketwire
Automatic SDR Reporting
Direct Links to Major Clearing Houses
Execution Report
Liquidity Provider Performance Reports
Audit Trail/Compliance Records
Best Execution Metrics
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) - Regulation MTF and SEF
- Trading Hours
Americas Europe APAC 7:30 am open 7:30 am open 7:30 am open 5:30 pm close 6:00 pm close 6:00 pm close
- Liquidity Providers 67 providers
- Products Local & hard currency sovereign, quasi-sovereign and corporate bonds
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post Trade Axes
Tradeweb AllTrade® (A2A)
Request-for-Quote (RFQ)
Request-for-Market for Local Currency
List Trading
Voice Processing
Automated Intelligent Trading (AiEX) and AiEX Manual Override
SNAP Dealer Selection
Dealer Flex
Price Countering
FX Swap
Trade Types
Portfolio Trading for Emerging Markets Hard Currency
U.S. Treasury Auto-Spotting
Multi-Dealer Netting
STP to Client OMS
Consolidated Transaction History
Error Reduction
Best Execution Metrics
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA)
Audit Trail/Compliance Records
- Regulation APA reporting for MTF trades
- Trading Hours
Americas Europe APAC 7:00 am New York time open 7:30 am London time open 8:45 am Tokyo time open 5:30 pm New York time close 6:00 pm London time close 5:00 pm Tokyo time close
- Liquidity Providers 8 providers
- Products Index and Single Name Sovereign and Corporate CDS
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post-Trade Streams
Runs (Single Name)
Request-for-Quote (RFQ)
Request-for-Market (RFM)
Click-to-Trade (CTT)
Voice Processing
List Trading
Trade Types
List (Single Name)
Switch (Index)
Curve (Index)
Direct Link to Major Clearing Houses
STP to Client OMS
Instant Trade Confirmation
Consolidated Transaction History
Best Execution Metrics
Audit Trail/Compliance Records
- Market Regulation SDR Reporting for SEF trades, APA reporting for MTF trades
- Trading Hours
Americas Europe 7:00 am New York time open 7:30 am London time open 5:30 pm New York time close 6:00 pm London time close
- Liquidity Providers 59 providers through CFETS
- Products All eligible Chinese Interbank Bond Market (CIBM) instruments – including Chinese government bonds, local government bonds, policy bank bonds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, corporate bonds, ABS
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post Trade Block Allocations
Indicative Streams
Pre-Trade Integration
Request for Quote (RFQ)
List Trading
Trade-at-CloseAdvanced Trade Tools
Automated Intelligent Trading (AiEX)
Systematic Post-Trade Reporting to CFETS
Audit Trail/Compliance Records
Straight-Through-Processing (STP) to Client OMS
- Regulation Chinese Market Rules
- Trading Hours
APAC Open 9:00 am - 12:00 pm China Standard time Open 1:30 pm - 8:00 pm China Standard time
- Liquidity Providers 33 providers through CFETS
- Products All eligible Chinese Interbank Bond Market (CIBM) instruments – including Chinese government bonds, local government bonds, policy bank bonds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, corporate bonds, ABS.
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post-Trade Block Allocations
Indicative Streams
Pre-Trade Integration
Request for Quote (RFQ)
List Trading
Trade Types
Systematic Post-Trade Reporting to CFETS
Audit Trail/Compliance Records
Straight-Through-Processing (STP) to Client OMS
- Market Regulation Chinese Market Rules
- Trading Hours
APAC 9:00 am - 12:00 pm China Standard time open 1:30 pm - 8:00 pm China Standard time close
- Liquidity Providers 20 providers
- Products FR007 – 7D Repo Rate, Shibor 3mth, Shibor Overnight (coming soon)
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post Trade Dealer Streams
Request for Quote (RFQ)
Click-to-Trade (CTT)Systematic Post-Trade Reporting to CFETS
Audit Trail/Compliance Records
- Regulation Chinese Market Rules
- Trading Hours
APAC 9:00 am - 12:00 pm China Standard time 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm China Standard time
- Liquidity Providers 32 global and regional dealers
- Products Asian, European and U.S. listed Equity and Fixed Income ETFs
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post-Trade Connectivity to all major OMS/EMS – pre-trade FIX integration
Indicative Axes and Streaming PricesProtocols
Request-for-Quote (RFQ)
Request-for-Market (RFM)
List Trading (Contingent & Non-Contingent)
Trade Types
Straight-Through-Processing (STP)
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA)
Best Execution Reporting
Liquidity Provider Performance Reporting
- Trading Hours
U.S. Listed European Listed APAC Listed 9:00 am Tokyo time open 7:00 am London time open 9:00 am Tokyo time open 5:30 pm New York time close 6:00 pm London time close 6:00 pm London time close
- Liquidity Providers 41 global liquidity providers supporting 24 currencies
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post Trade Real-time pricing for all products
Bilateral and Triparty
GC baskets – based on parameters including asset class and currency
Trading on open with full lifecycle management
Fixed and floating
GC vs Specials (zero net cash)
RFQ grouping
Straight-Through-Processing (STP)
Execution Reports
Liquidity Provider Performance Reports
- Trading Hours
U.S. European APAC 7:00 open 6:30 am open 9:00 am open 6:00 pm close 5:30 pm close 6:00 pm close
- Liquidity Providers 33 providers
- Products AGCY and SUPR – Currencies: Hard – USD, AUD, GBP, CHF, EUR, SGD; Local – CZK, HUF, PLN, RON, TRY, ZAR, HKD
- Trade Lifecycle
Pre-Trade At-Trade Post Trade Axes
Tradeweb AllTrade® (A2A)
Request-for-Quote (RFQ)
Voice Processing
Trade Types
U.S. Treasury Auto-Spotting
Multi-Dealer Netting
STP to Client OMS
Consolidated Transaction History
Error Reduction
Best Execution Metrics
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA)
Audit Trail/Compliance Records
- Trading Hours
Americas - AGCY Americas - SUPR 8:00 am New York Standard time open 7:30 am New York Standard time open 5:00 pm New York Standard time close 6:00 pm New York Standard time close
- Products SAR-denominated Sovereign Bonds
- Regulation Capital Market Authority
- Trading Hours 10:00 am – 3:00 pm KSA time for domestic activity