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CFTC Votes SEF Rules Forward

| FinReg

Today, the CFTC met to vote on final rules for swap execution facilities (SEFs). The Commission’s five members – three Democrats and two Republicans – voted in a public meeting on new platforms for swaps that will bring bilateral trading to an end, and transfer trades to centralized, transparent marketplaces. Critics say that the final rules are watered down, and as a result, a victory for Wall Street. Commissioners Jill Sommers and Scott O’Malia echoed those sentiments at the vote in their prepared statements.

Statements from each of the commissioner can be seen by clicking on their name: Scott O’Malia, Bart Chilton, Gary Gensler, Mark Wetjen, Jill Sommers 

The Commission voted 4-1 in favor of the new rules.

More information on the final SEF rules can be found in the following Q&As and fact sheets: