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Keeping it Simple

Trading equity derivatives has never been easier. Simultaneously request two-way multiple dealer quotes without revealing your trade direction. Enjoy seamless integration that reduces risk and automatically books trades. 

Key Features:
  • Trade multi-leg options strategies across the U.S. and Europe
  • Execute European equity futures
  • Access the global universe of convertible bonds


Institutional investors embrace next wave of ETFs blog


  • liquidity provider icon
    Liquidity Providers chevron_right 16 providers
  • product icon Products Options on all U.S. listed single stocks, ETFs and equity indices
  • product trade lifecycle icon
    Trade Lifecycle chevron_right
  • Pre-Trade chevron_right At-Trade chevron_right Post-Trade chevron_right

    National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO)




    Trade Types

    Risk (Block)

    Delta Worked

    Delta Tied (Exchange)


    Over-the-Counter (OTC)

    Listed Option

    Risk vs Ref


    Audit Trail/Compliance Records

    Straight-Through-Processing (STP)

    Execution Reports

    Liquidity Provider Performance Reports

    Best Execution Metrics

  • market regulation icon
    Market Regulation chevron_right
  • U.S. Customers: FINRA best execution; FINRA trade reporting; TRACE reporting; Fiduciary Rule, NAIC Guidelines

    Europe Customers: MiFID II - requires companies to report details of their transactions, such as price and trade volume data to provide customers with greater transparency into the commission-based advisory model.
  • product trading hours and calendar icon
    Trading Hours chevron_right
  • Americas
    6:30 am New York time open
    5:30 pm New York time close


  • liquidity provider icon
    Liquidity Providers chevron_right 21 providers
  • product icon Products Listed and OTC Options on all European single stock and index options. Listed futures on all European index and single index futures
  • product trade lifecycle icon
    Trade Lifecycle chevron_right
  • Pre-Trade  At-Trade  Post-Trade 


    Live Exchange Price

    Historic Hit Rates

    Streaming Prices



    Trade Types


    Delta Worked

    Delta Exchange


    Trade Tools


    Audit Trail/Compliance Records

    Execution Reports

    Liquidity Provider Performance Reports

    Best Execution Metrics


  • product trading hours and calendar icon Trading Hours
  • Europe
    7:30 am London time open
    6:00 pm London time close
    9:00 am Tokyo time open
    6:00 pm Tokyo time close

Product Resources

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Options trading entails significant risk and is not appropriate for all investors. Certain complex options strategies carry additional risk. Before trading options, please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Supporting documentation for any claims, comparisons, recommendations, statistics, or other technical data will be supplied upon request.